art of dry stone walling

The art of dry stone walling: Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO

The art of dry stone walling, knowledge and techniques The art of dry stone walling is an ancient artisan practice that plays a fundamental role in the prevention of landslides, floods and avalanches. And also in the fight against erosion and desertification of the land, increasing biodiversity and creating ideal conditions for agriculture. These dry […]

Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet: Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO

The Mediterranean diet The Mediterranean diet is a nutritional model. Inspired by the traditional eating styles of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Scientists from all over the world have begun studying it since the 1950s. And still today it remains among the diets that, associated with correct lifestyles, have a positive influence on our […]


Falconry: Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO

Falconry, a living human heritage Born as a method of obtaining food, the practice of falconry has evolved over time, expressing links with the preservation of nature, cultural heritage and the contact among communities. Following their own traditions and ethical principles, falconers train and feed birds of prey by developing a strong bond with them. […]